Who or what is your ultimate?

Do you know my husband is the best husband in the world? Well now you do. I trust his authority and decision making so much he bought the house we live in now – without me seeing it!

When we moved back to the Pittsburgh area Ethan started his job before the girls and I could move back. We wanted them to finish up their school year in Maryland.

The girls and I drove up most weekends to do house hunting. Sometimes Ethan and the realtor looked at homes during the week. During those times Ethan and I used the video calls so I can look, too.

This took place in the spring of 2017. It was a sellers - market. Houses were flying off the market fast. When we liked a home, it seemed to go under contract the next day!

My husband and realtor toured our current home a day after it went on the market. I was in MD on the video call. We liked the home. It had mostly everything we were looking for in a house. The realtor knew it was a good deal, too. We placed an offer on the home without me physically seeing it.

When I tell that story, do you know how many women are shocked? Most usually say: “I would never do that.” It’s as if they try to make me feel bad for listening to my husband. Kind of an oxymoron. God wants wives to respect their husbands.

I love our house. Our house is a blessing. I trust my husband. He is a joy. He gives me peace.
However, my husband isn’t my source of joy or peace. He isn’t my ultimate. If he was my ultimate our relationship wouldn’t last because he isn’t perfect. If he was my ultimate, I would try to control him to my liking – it would be disastrous.

Ethan knows he isn’t my ultimate. He knows he is loved by me, but he does know I have an ultimate love – Jesus.

Jesus is my source of peace and joy. Jesus is my source of forgiveness, power, happiness, grace, mercy, calm, gentleness, goodness and more. Jesus is perfect. He never fails. He will never stop loving me not matter what my sin resume looks like.

I abide in Jesus. Jesus abides in me. I am attached to the vine of Jesus. Everything I am is because of Him.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” John 15:5-8 (NIV)

Because I am in Jesus and He is in me I have a peace that passes understanding during this wild time. If I wasn’t attached to him fear would take over me. I would be scared, hoarding irrational amounts of toilet paper, buying up all the hand sanitizer in the stores.

However, because of Jesus peace there is no need to stockpile because He always provides. We have just what we need and able to help others, too. Thank you, Jesus our Prince of peace!

Who or what are you attached to? Who or what is your ultimate? Are you expecting an imperfect person or temporary thing to be your source of peace, joy, happiness, forgiveness and more? If so, how is that working? I pray Jesus is your ultimate.

If you are searching for peace in this midst of craziness look to Jesus. He is savior, perfect, good, peaceful and bigger than any fear or virus. I love me some Jesus! To find out more about Jesus click to hear Tony Evans wonderful explanation.

If you like to be equipped, trained and empowered to life the life Jesus died for, connect with Christina for some one on one spiritual health coaching! Click here to schedule a free exploraiton call.

Thanks for reading! I pray you see the blessings surrounding you during this time! Please share this post with a friend or two. You are the best way to spread the good news of Jesus.

Love ya!


For the hurting woman


What is your truth?