What is your truth?

In January 2018 Oprah’s acceptance speech during the Golden Globes award went viral. I didn’t watch it or listen to it – and still haven’t – but I couldn’t hide from three words she spoke. This trinity went viral.

“Speaking your truth [is the most powerful tool we have.]”

Speak your truth trended on social media. These three words were– and still are - a hit in today’s culture. The message has a hint of no absolute truth.

Many in our world are falsely encouraged to believe their truth is different then our truth, but its ok. There is no right or wrong. It’s all relative.

It sounds a little new agey. A reasoning that has no logic in it.

There is right and wrong. Guidelines, boundaries, laws, rules, etc. are needed in our lives or chaos ensues (that is in the happening with the world now). Our brains need truth as well. If not confusion results, anxiety, depression, forgetfulness and other things can manifest from not having any solid truth in our lives.

Praise God! He is truth, has truth and gives the truth to us. The Bible is filled with powerful truth. Jesus is truth. The Holy Spirit is truth and provides us with truth to advance God’s kingdom on earth.

There is truth about you and me. This truth is for everyone to speak. Even those who don’t know God – this truth is for them to.

These are your truth you need to speak out loud daily. Especially during times of pain and discomfort. Speak. Trust God’s word. Believe in this truth about you.

The truth about you:
I am loved, priceless, valued, treasured, known, appreciated, never alone, accepted, promising, wanted, celebrated, significant, encouraged, adequate, connected and full of worth.

I do like the words Oprah said, but they aren’t new. Nothing is new in this world (where is this found?) Speak your truth is speaking the truth of God. This truth applies to everyone.

“You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.” Psalm 139:1 (NIV) Read all of Psalm 139.
“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Luke 12:6-7 (NIV)

For more truth about you and the One who created you, read the Bible.

Do you want to explore deeper into the healing truth of God’s word? Kingdom Living Academy is designed to anchor you in the truth of God’s word and more! Open enrollment for Kingdom Living Academy is open now! To find out if this is something you are looking for please schedule a exploration call with Christina today!

Please spread the truth and share this post! Thank you for reading.



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